
Filing your story

Try very hard to work from the beginning in the Google document system. Use the "normal" font setting.

If you cannot do so or get sent a story in Word or through e-mail, you will need first to "clean" it of any extra HTML or Word coding.

Clean your copy
  • Open Notepad (not Wordpad) in Windows
  • Select the text, then copy
  • Paste it into Notepad
  • Select again, cut
  • Paste the result into an open Google docs page
  • Do not fret about curly quotes and straight quotes, design has solved that problem. If you work directly in Google docs, they will all be straight. If someone files to you in Times New Roman, as long as the punctuation is correctly used, design can change the formatting in production quickly.

Create a slug
The slug protocol will be

xx xxxDATE language


ra mcd0907 eng
ra mcd0907 span
ra mcd0907 port

No missing spaces, no extra spaces, no underscores. This is important for finding files quickly later by using the search box.

ra mcd0907eng
ra mcd0907 english
ra mcd907 eng

Finish your edits. Make sure the slug is the first line of any file. If you do this from the beginning, it will automatically become the file name. Use bold, italics as you would normally.

Space paragraphs by one line each. No indents.

No "typewriter" returns. Use the whole line and let the software decide when to wrap text:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut sollicitudin. Fusce velit diam, aliquet vel, malesuada quis, congue vitae, velit. Praesent turpis risus, tincidunt eget, lacinia at, feugiat ac, enim. Proin id enim porttitor nunc sagittis vulputate. Donec vel dui.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut
sollicitudin. Fusce velit diam, aliquet vel, malesuada quis, congue
vitae, velit. Praesent turpis risus, tincidunt eget,
lacinia at, feugiat ac, enim. Proin id enim porttitor
nunc sagittis vulputate. Donec vel dui.

Once your language is done, completely done,

Select all, copy
Close document
New document
Paste, but change your language slug to a second language
Share to the group
Close document

New document
Paste, but change your language slug to the third language
Share to the group
Close document

Update monthly schedule.

Folders (tags)
If it helps you, you can organize your files by month (0907) or any other way you would like. But it won't matter since other people will not be able to see what choices you made. This is optional, and since you will be dating the article with the slug, finding it later will not depend on using a folder.

Invite editors and designers
We will be inviting everyone by default. I will be distributing separately a set list of e-mails you should use for invites. You should use that e-mail set to create a group of contacts in Gmail, naming it "editors" or "docs" or something similar. Then, you can invite a group of editors in a couple of clicks.