Want to pitch Latin Trade? Here's what we'll need in the coming weeks and months:
SeptemberFinance issue of the year. If you see a major trend, especially one that is crossing borders, right now is the time to pitch. Our issue will feature the top 100 banks, insurers, brokerages and pension funds. All of these sectors are ripe. Avoid please single-country pitches (Argentine banks and what they want) and focus on the region (why pension funds have too much money, or whatever).
OctoberForecast, Asia Outlook and MBA issue. We'll be back to assigning soon sector forecasts as we did last year. If you see an interesting trend in a sector you cover heavily (mining, autos, retail, etc.), please let me know. Part of the story will hinge on getting a reliable forecast of that sector from a third-party. If you know of one, that would be good to hear about too.
I'm keen to assign the Asia item to one or two people here (probably Brazil or Mexico or both) and pick up a file from Asia. If you know good people in Beijing, Hong Kong or another major Asian trade capital, please advise.
As for MBA, we're looking for trends in education, not single-school stories like last time. The survey will change a lot, but it's not linked to the reporting. If you see executives or schools doing novel things in your country, please pitch now.
October is also the last
LT Elite issue of the year. Please contact
Forrest Jones if you have high-net-worth personal finance story ideas.
November and going forward...Feature wise, we start winding down as of November until January (info tech, estate planning and executive ed) but we'll still need a regular run of Currents, Connection, Trade Lanes and Destinations stories to keep us sane here in Miami. Get your pitches to
Forrest Jones or
Carlos Adese as soon as you can manage.