
And another...

"Silicon" Jack Epstein joins the 2006 ASBPE honorees for his column work last year. It's getting to be a habit.

Congratulations Jack! We're now at 26 awards in six years.


TABPI Honorable Mention

Latin Trade has won an Honorable Mention in Best Single Issue Category from the Trade, Association and Business Publications International (www.tabpi.org). The honor is for our July 2006 Top 500 companies issue.

This news brings our awards count to 25 awards in six years. Congratulations to all of the editorial, production and design staff for their hard work on the issue, as well as to our friends in sales for their energy and support for our biggest issue of the year.


Latin Trade wins big!

I am extremely pleased to announce three new awards this morning from the American Society of Business Publication Editors. This news brings our award count to 24 awards over the past six years.

Top of the list is Bryan Cooper, who has won our first *national* awards recognition in the competition. He is recognized as a finalist in the "Opening Page/Spread" category for the Mexico feature in LT Elite in September 2006.

Carlos Adese and Marisol Rueda won a regional award for the Wal-Mart feature in July 2006, "Hello World." Also recognized for their contributions to that package will be Gabriela Calderon for research, Bryan Cooper for design and Greg Brown for editing.

Finally, Greg Brown won has a regional award for the "Editor's Note" commentaries that ran in January and in March 2006. This is a relatively new category and I'm pleased we were able to make a dent in commentary.

The ASBPE Awards of Excellence, established more than 20 years ago, recognizes outstanding editorial, design, and web development. With more than 1,000 entries in a typical year, the competition is the largest in the business press. Awards are given in more than 30 editorial, design, and online categories. In addition, the Society annually recognizes a Magazine of the Year in each of two circulation categories.